Sunday, March 14, 2010


the concept of freedom is a personal obsession. my attraction to a sustainable lifestyle comes at least in part from a sense that if we could provide many of the needs of life for ourselves, we'd have more freedom in deciding how to spend our precious moments. when i feel my wings are clipped and i'd only be staying somewhere because i have to, i get the itch to run.

as so many life decisions are up in the air, i keep running into this love for freedom. interestingly, a paradox is arising as i've been investigating the teachings of adyashanti. instead of a freedom from circumstances, responsibilities and restrictions on choice, adyashanti talks of a freedom from the illusions of the mind, and a surrender to the reality that all those circumstances, responsibilities and restrictions are simply illusions. our truest freedom is in seeing through this illusory sense of reality.

i'm realizing that really nothing is ever certain, and the uncertainty itself is the doorway to the freedom i seek.

"when nothing is certain, anything is possible." from Suzanne Eder in 10 Ways to Find Peace Rather than Panic

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo!
    Yes, sustainability is in tune with the earth, but it's also in tune with the spirit. Only recently I'm seeing it as freedom, maybe because I've never planted quite enough to live on.
